ANGUL, ODISHA - 759101, Contact No : 06760-296038


                                                                                                   NOTICE                                                                            Date : 09.08.2019
( Formation of PTCC for 2019-20)

This is for the information of all parents that the School is going to constitute the Parents Teachers Co-ordination Committee (PTCC) for the Session 2018-19. The PTCC will consist of 10 parents representatives from class I to  X and 5 Teachers representatives. The parents representative will be selected out of the nominations received for the purpose. The term of the PTCC will be for one year or till the next PTCC is constituted  which ever is earlier. Out of the 10 parents representatives 5 members will be Ladies i.e. for classes II,IV,VI,VIII & X and for other classes fathers of the students can file their nomination. Interested parents are requested to submit their nomination form in prescribed proforma and the filled in nomination form to be submitted by the parents in a sealed envelope to the respective class teachers latest by dt 13/08/2019 (Tuseday). The selected members of any academic earlier session should not submit nomination for the subsequent academic session as the policy of DAV CMC, New Delhi is to involve more numbers of parents in the School activities to have their expertise suggestions for the betterment of the DAV system. The same rule is also applicable to the teachers members of PTCC.

If more number of parents file nominations in a particular class, the selection of representative will be done by the following methods.

  • Parents filed nominations in a particular class will be invited to have an    interaction among themselves and unanimously suggest one name to the School.
  • If they failed to select one representative from a class, then one member will be selected through lottery.

All parents are requested to extend their whole hearted co-operation in the matter for academic growth of the Institution.



  1. Membership of PTCC is for one year or till the next PTCC is constituted.
  2. Each member is required to attend the PTCC meetings as and when called for. Generally there will be 3/4 meetings in a year to discuss academic issues.
  3. No TA/DA is admissible for attending such meetings.
  4. Each member is representative of a particular class and his/her name and address shall be given in School Website for information of parents.
  5. The members are required to present the general issue of the particular class for which he/she is representing for discussion in the meeting. Personnel issue should not be placed in PTCC meetings.
  6. The School expects constructive suggestions from the members for all round development of the School.
  7. The selected members of any academic session should not submit nomination for the subsequent academic session as the policy of DAV CMC, New Delhi to involve more numbers of parents in the School activities to have their expertise suggestions for the betterment of the DAV system. The same rule is also applicable to the teachers members of PTCC.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       HEADMASTER
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ANGUL, ODISHA - 759101
E-mail : davtthighschool@gmail.com
Website : davtthighschool.org

Contact No : 06760-296038

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